
I’m ready to help you embark on your healing journey that resets your wellness compass navigating you back to wholeness and helps you walk away from the habits and thought patterns squelching your life vibrancy.

Question is, ARE YOU READY?!

Life is too precious NOT to be living a nourished, aligned and WHOLETHY life!

I’m devoted and passionate about helping empower women, like you, realize their natural wholeness. I am a Wholistic Life Guide and Functional Nutritionist, lover of life, “bonus mom” to 3 teenage boys, fur mommy, eternal dancer, and cancer warrior who founded Wholethy Tribe Wellness to cultivate a supportive community for women to live vibrantly. I understand the unique challenges we face.

I see you. I hear you. I support you.

Allow me to help guide you towards the awareness that this vibrancy is ALWAYS there within you. You are already WHOLE!

No matter the size of our body, color of our skin or what background we come from, we are ALL uniquely beautiful, worthy & deserve a life vibrancy that knocks our socks off!

What could this healing journey look like for you?

Great question!

#1 YOU are the author of this journey. How long it takes depends on …

Your level of self-devotion

How deeply you want things to change

Willingness to throw your hat in the ring

#2 We could discover some of these areas need attention for realignment …

Body-Soul-Mind Nourishment. Joyful Movement. Self-Compassion. Life Intentions. Soul-enriching Connection. Creativity. Stress Relief Care. Intuition. Play. Restorative Sleep. Mindfulness. Solitude. Boundaries. Life Energy Audits. Belief Systems. Priorities.

#3 I will be your guiding light and support system through all of it.

“Break free of your cocoon and give yourself the freedom to fly!”