Life Guide

Life Energy Vampires Suck: What to do to get…

Hands down the most consistent discussion that I’ve had with my patients and clients over the years, aside from “why can’t I lose the weight,” is awareness and disconnection around life energy vampires (which 9 times out of 10 are interconnected). Most of them come to me literally draining energy from all areas of their life without conscious awareness. They are wrought with weight loss issues, body inflammation, mental acuity problems, and many other health problems wondering why they can’t seem to feel whole again. Quite possibly they’ve been shifted out of balance for so long they don’t even know what whole feels like anymore.

Can you relate? I know I can. At various points in my life I have felt like a cartoon character with drain holes all over my body leaking energy like a sieve having nothing left to offer.

If we don’t prioritize discovering the source(s) where energy is being tapped, our amazing beautiful bodies are going to try and try to keep us in homeostasis (aka balance), but at a high dollar cost to our well being.

By the way, it doesn’t only have to be individuals that are vampires. Anything that is perceptually withdrawing from your life energy banks and not making deposits can be considered a vampire. For example …

  • Maybe, the restrictive diet you’ve been on doesn’t allow you to disconnect from the persistent food dialogue in your head thus chronically increasing your stress levels.
  • Or, you’ve been dying to start a new hobby, but you’ve been telling yourself that you don’t have the time or resources, therefore, you continue to prioritize everyone & everything else above your joy.
  • Possibly, you feel like your job makes you a different person and not for the better. However, you make excuses why you can’t leave. Meanwhile, your relationships with loved ones have been suffering due to you being disconnected, checked out or short fused.

There are so many ways we can leak energy. We just have to find and increase awareness around them so we can plug up those ‘hole leaks’. Remember, there is only so much fuel in our tank.

FUN FACT: The brain takes in 11 million pieces of data and only consciously processes about 40 bits of that every second. Freeing up space helps to cultivate what matters most in your life.

Sooo, do we walk around donning garlic chains around our necks?

If it were only that simple. Let’s look at a few steps that you can start doing right away. I would recommend using a journal or notebook for this process.


I want to express that while currently some of you may feel supported with the appropriate resources to dive right in, some of you might need to seek support during this process. Either way, I encourage you to be honest with yourself and work with a professional to provide additional support if needed. This might look like a therapist/psychologist, parishioner or life guide like myself.


please don’t forget to offer yourself grace during this process bc it might require you to make decisions that you don’t want to make and/or learn about yourself as well as others in your life.

Remember, we are all perfectly imperfect.

Ok, here we go …

#1 What are your values?

Do you even know them? These guys are important to know bc they guide your actions, give life meaning and allow us to persevere. Consider them your guiding lights to help you navigate the seas of life. 

If you’re not sure …

  • Google search values and choose 6-8 from the list that resonate with you. Then sit with them for awhile to narrow down the ones that feel authentic to you. How do you know if they are authentic: When you do the ‘thing,’ do you feel drained or energetic and happy?
  • Observe and learn what you are expressing or living by consistently. This might help guide you towards the ones that feel right.
  • Still not sure? You can think of 3-6 people you most admire or love. What values do they embody?

#2 What is your belief system?

Are they currently aligned with your values? Are they authentically yours, harnessed from external sources (culture, family, media, etc) or outdated bc you’re at a different point in life? Are they limiting thus effecting your well being?

#3 Get curious (observe) without judgement.

How do you feel daily? Can you pinpoint when you feel drained or stressed? What areas in your life need attention that you’re unable to provide bc you feel drained? What would it look/feel like if you were able to give those areas attention? How would your life change? 

Other areas that could be sucking your life energy …

  • Negative thought patterns
  • Behaviors & Habits
  • Relationships: toxic people/traits such as gaslighters, stonewallers, manipulators, victim mentality, gossipers, conflict avoidance, arrogance, passive-aggressive, dishonesty, etc.
  • Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: substance abuse, emotional eating or bingeing, excessive screen time, impulse spending, gambling, over-reliance of others, overworking, avoidance/denial, withdrawal socially, overexercise

This process of increased awareness helps direct effective action of auditing these life energy suckers that create an out-of-balance wellness for you.

Free yourself from these energy leaks for good, start building up your energy banks and live a more authentic life that allows you to thrive!